
Interview with a Vodou priest

“…The Son of God was revealed for this purpose: To destroy the Devil’s works.”
1 John 3:8

This newsletter will reveal a new ministry at CHARIS that God has assigned to us—evangelization of vodou priests and priestesses. When I discerned God’s will for me to perform this ministry, I went immediately to Scripture to study Satan, demons, their roles on earth and God’s purpose for them. The verse above is a good summary of this study. Jesus was born into the world, died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day for one reason—to destroy Satan’s work! Therefore, Satan is already defeated and he knows this, so why is he given such seemingly great power and reign on earth? The answer to this question is found in Colossians, “By Him (Christ) everything was created in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. (Colossians 1:16). Satan and demons exist for purposes that are meant to elevate Christ, His name, and His people. As Christians we have made a choice to follow God and not the Satanic world order, thus making our love for God genuine and authentic rather than a forced relationship for lack of an opposing force or choice.

Read more in the original October 2013 newsletter



Death that produces life

"Therefore, produce fruit consistent with repentance… ‘What then should we do?’ The crowds were asking him. He (John the Baptist) replied to them, ‘The one who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and the one who has food must do the same.’" (Luke 3:8, 10-11)

The root of all sin is pride, in some form, and as I read this passage John lays out a chronology of effective Christian living. After coming to the realization that we are sinners and that there is nothing we can do within our power to make our relationship with God right, we pray and repent of our sin. This is the first and necessary step in re-establishing our right relationship with God. John states that after repentance we must, "produce fruit consistent with repentance". This is news to the crowd then, and is still news to us today.

Read more in the original September 2013 newsletter


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100 Days (focus on the unseen)

“So we do not focus on what is seen, but on what is unseen; for what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18) 

While considering this verse I want to pose a question, is Christianity seen or unseen? Is this a strange question to ask? Yes it is, but I believe that there are powerful lessons to learn through this verse. As I thought about this it became apparent to me that much of what we affiliate with Christianity today is seen—churches, Christian book stores, bumper stickers, fish symbols, the cross, etc. Now ask yourself, how much of Christianity is unseen? If you are having trouble answering this question let me try to help with asking: can you identify a Christian by what you can’t see—you can see their home, the car they drive, and the career they have chosen but can you see the unseen Holy Spirit in their life? I think that we can all agree that the sad answer to this question is that Christianity currently lives within the seen temporary world, while the unseen attributes of Christianity which are supposed to be loudly proclaimed through our changed life are becoming hidden. 

Read more in the original July 2013 newsletter

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“For in Him the entire fullness of God’s nature dwell’s bodily, and you have been filled by Him, Who is the head over every ruler and authority.” (Colossians 2:9-10)

As I read this passage, sitting at my table in Haiti, I felt ashamed. Meditating on this section of Scripture made me realize how, as Christians, we exist within limitations that we have no business existing in. Christ was not part God but He was all God and possessed the “fullness of God’s nature.” We have been filled by Him (“I have given them the glory You have given Me. May they be one as We are one. I am in them and You are in Me. May they be made completely one, so the world may know you have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me.”), and this means then, that we have the full nature of God within us! Why then do so many of us not experience this?

Read more in the original June 2013 newsletter



On the ground in Haiti

The Hendersons in Haiti

After months of prayer and preparation the Henderson’s arrive at their new home safely and are now adjusting to life in the rural Haitian mountains. The Henderson family relocated to Perigot, Haiti, on March 20th. It is approximately 7 miles from our partner school, The Community Christian School of Macary. The school site also serves as a church and clinic. The temperature in this region can reach 114 degrees Fahrenheit with high humidity which makes life very different from being in Naperville, Illinois. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they begin to learn Haitian Creole, familiarize themselves with the Haitian culture, get to know their new neighbors, and settle into a rhythm of life and ministry. This process will take time but the family is already starting to embrace their new life in Haiti. During Easter Sunday Malcolm led the congregation in prayer during the church service and Destinee and Tiara also sang during the service. On behalf of the Henderson family we ask everyone to continue to pray and support their work in Macary and the surrounding area. 

Read more in the original April 2013 newsletter
