The Hendersons in Haiti

After months of prayer and preparation the Henderson’s arrive at their new home safely and are now adjusting to life in the rural Haitian mountains. The Henderson family relocated to Perigot, Haiti, on March 20th. It is approximately 7 miles from our partner school, The Community Christian School of Macary. The school site also serves as a church and clinic. The temperature in this region can reach 114 degrees Fahrenheit with high humidity which makes life very different from being in Naperville, Illinois. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they begin to learn Haitian Creole, familiarize themselves with the Haitian culture, get to know their new neighbors, and settle into a rhythm of life and ministry. This process will take time but the family is already starting to embrace their new life in Haiti. During Easter Sunday Malcolm led the congregation in prayer during the church service and Destinee and Tiara also sang during the service. On behalf of the Henderson family we ask everyone to continue to pray and support their work in Macary and the surrounding area. 

Read more in the original April 2013 newsletter
